Once you’ve used this membership website builder for your e-commerce platform, it’s vital to know how to create a newsletter in Weebly.

Communicating with your target demographic is essential, and a fantastic newsletter requires a great newsletter platform. After all, you must keep your members happy to sell them on your subscription.

So, how do you create a newsletter in Weebly to start serving your contact list?

How to Create a Newsletter in Weebly

Weebly offers multiple options for using third-party newsletter plugins, such as MailChimp, but they now also provide their own in-house version called Promote. 

Weebly’s Promote is simple to use and is integrated into their system. If you want to use Promote, you can automatically sync your contacts with the newsletter functionality. 

Here are the simple steps to create a newsletter in Weebly: 

Step 1

Log into Weebly or create a new account if you don’t have one yet. There will be a few easy-to-follow steps, such as authenticating your email address and importing your website’s URL. 

Step 2

Once you’ve signed into the website builder, you will find the Add A Newsletter Pop-up tab or button. Simply click, drag, and drop it into place. 

Step 3   

Next, select the newsletter layout/template you desire. These templates come prepared for multiple uses, such as general, commerce, announcements, and saved templates that you’ve made in the past. 

Step 4 

When you’re happy with your template, you can now customize your newsletter. We’d suggest selecting regular topics you want to cover and creating templates for each subject or content pillar. 

With certain pillars, you will include loads of images and short, catchy subject lines and content. 

It’s always important to allow your members options regarding the news they want in their inbox.  

Step 5

Once you’ve created the content, it’s time to select who you want to inform about your news.  

Always ensure you don’t spam your consumers’ inboxes with too many newsletters and allow them to unsubscribe from certain email topic threads. While some internet marketers say you can never send too many emails, we think one per day (excluding product launches) is plenty. We wouldn’t exceed that number and prefer two to three per week.

Weebly’s Promote allows for simple functionality and is free for the first two newsletters. If you’re looking for more, you will need to install a third-party app. These specialist apps allow for more options, giving you better content creation capabilities.  

A great function to use when you’re about to send out emails is checking whether they will flag spam filters. Most newsletter apps will allow a spam test against all the major email accounts, such as Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail. 

Make Sure To Have A Current Members Strikelist 

Contact information is critical when creating a newsletter in Weebly. Without these actively used email addresses, you can’t send your members important deals and news. 

Keeping these email addresses as current as possible is also essential, as newsletters going to abandoned inboxes will waste time and money. 

The best way to do this is to ensure that you have an unsubscribe link near the bottom of your email – and not hidden. Yes, you will slowly bleed email subscribers but this also ensures that you are not sending uninterested people emails, hurting your domain’s reputation in the eyes of email providers such as Hotmail. 

You should also monitor bounce rates and people who never open your emails. This will hurt your domain’s reputation, as well. Culling these contacts through automations that remove people when various thresholds are met is a great way to ensure your list stays healthy without having to comb through it manually. Active Campaign is our preferred email platform because of its powerful features here.

Of course, it helps to start on the right foot. Some malicious actors can dump emails into your signup forms to hurt your domain reputation and prevent you from sending emails to prospects. You can help sidestep this problem by requiring a double optin. This will keep your list healthy though at the expense of fewer prospects who could be bothered to confirm that they actually signed up.

Google’s Recaptcha is a great alternative to double optin, since some bots have a problem finding and clicking them. Another alternative is to have a hidden field that people can’t see but bots can, to trick bots into filling in so that the form is never submitted in the first place. When this field is filled in, the form simply does not send. 

Business owners can also create a reconfirm campaign, where you circulate an email where members elect whether they are still interested in receiving content from your brand. 

A simple 9 word email is sufficient here. In the title, simply write: “Quick question…” and then in the body, write “Name, Are You Still Interested In X?” You can keep those who reply, and cull those who don’t.

Lastly, ensure that users can sign up for the newsletter quickly, whether this is done through contact forms on the website or a pop-up. The fewer fields to fill out the better.

To set up a customized sign-up form, click the newsletter toggle button again in Weebly, and follow the prompts to build your own. 

This contact form can also be tailored to the information you want to collect from your clients. 

If you follow these steps, you will have answered the question, “How to create a newsletter in Weebly.”

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