Many internet companies successfully utilize the subscription model (ie. a subscription website), but what is an example of a subscription membership? How does it differ from a regular subscription model? Let’s look at some examples.

What Is An Example Of A Subscription Membership? 

A great example of a subscription membership website is Net Net Hunter offers a subscription package that revolves around an investment community. The combination of subscription and interaction constitute a membership.

The lines between regular subscription-based companies like Netflix and Net Net Hunter can be blurry, but the main difference is the type of connection offered between subscribers as part of the membership platform. While both employ subscription billing, membership websites set up a community and have some way for members to interact with that community and its leader. 

Streaming platforms like Netflix or subscription news sites like the Financial Times serve their subscribers’ content without the community aspect. Sites, such as Net Net Hunter, on the other hand, build a community and tools for interaction to take place.

More examples of subscription memberships would include: 

Peak Freelance is an online platform designed for freelancers who need a safe space to find answers, ask hard questions, and vent about the issues around their working environment.

The platform allows users to chat with each other via Slack and their website. They can also access:

  • Monthly events 
  • Blueprints for building their freelance portfolio
  • Member challenges

Experts on the website include the founders and content directors from big brands.  

Key To Pictures is a community built by a veteran photographer who wanted to share their knowledge with others. This website allows subscribers to engage in one-on-one feedback sessions. 

The company utilizes Thinkific, which is an online course builder website. With this platform, you can upload online courses and create standalone pages, and it also has an online community with forums and a branded mobile app. 

While free, you need to pay to use all the essential tools. 

Olive Knits was born out of the founder’s lifelong passion for knitting. This creator has built up memberships and a community around accessing live tutorials, webinars, and picking up tips and tricks.  

Members can interact via Knit Camp, an app that allows everyone to access monthly patterns, a resource library, and knitalongs (via a live stream). 

Olive Knits also hosts an annual retreat, expert tutorials, and premium pattern support, which allows users to ask an expert if they run into difficulties. 

Dunbar Academy is an online community that provides training videos to help pet owners with challenging pets and allows members to learn basic training principles. 

The academy has created its community via exclusive Facebook groups and hosting live webinars with Q&A sessions. Also, members can access resources unavailable to the public. 

These are a few examples of businesses that provide a community and ways for subscribers to interact with each other.

So, now that we’ve answered, “What is an example of a subscription membership?” let’s define a subscription membership in detail… 

What Is A Subscription Membership? 

A subscription membership is a community where you pay a recurring fee to participate. An actual subscription membership requires two-way communication, where the owner/expert actively engages their members, and members can engage with each other. 

These communication channels can include:

1. An Online Forum 

Net Net Hunter uses an online forum for members to communicate by sharing insights, asking questions, and otherwise contributing to a discussion. These are also great for maintaining a record of past discussions for new members.

2. Comment Walls

A comment wall is like a chat page where people can post comments or chat and the newest contributions are shown first. This provides a great way for members to communicate with you and each other but does not include the ability to store and organize the discussion like forums do. 

3. Chat Applications Such As Slack

With these applications, you can create chat rooms, call and direct message members, and more. This is a free service until you and your members have used up the complementary trial data. 

4. Live Webinars

With live Webinars, your members can send you direct messages, which can be answered immediately or later when suitable. A chat feature on the webinar page can help members engage with each other, but the primary focus is on wherever is the star of the webinar.

5. Group Calls

Modern internet telecommunication tools such as Zoom, Slack, or Skype allow for group calls, where members can join a call via their phone or computer and all discuss some topic. Many of these tools are free – especially phone chat apps.

6. And Blog Chat Windows

When writing blogs, it’s essential to allow curious minds to comment on the piece you’ve uploaded. This can quickly spark a conversation between the author and followers.  

Now that we’ve talked about communication channels, what is the difference between a subscriber and a member?

What Is The Difference Between A Subscriber And A Membership?        

A subscriber is a person or entity that pays to receive regular content or updates, such as newsletters or streaming services. By contrast, a membership means inclusion in a community as participants rather than just spectators. 

Most companies that have a membership community will engage with them regularly. In contrast, subscribers will just receive the service they signed up for. 

Membership implies a more inclusive relationship with a membership leader and fellow members, leading to a more rewarding experience. 

Read next: What Does Digital Subscription Mean?