Let’s talk about Memberspace Mailchimp integration. 

Mailchimp is a widely used email marketing platform that allows businesses to create and manage email campaigns, track subscriber activity, and analyze campaign performance.

Memberspace, on the other hand, is a powerful membership management platform that enables businesses to create and manage subscription-based websites. With competitive memberspace pricing, it’s a lot lighter on the pocket than others on the market. Combining the two can provide a seamless experience for both your businesses and members.

So how does Memberspace Mailchimp integration work? What other platforms can Mailchimp integrate with? Read on to find out.

How Does Memberspace Mailchimp Integration Work?

Memberspace Mailchimp integration allows your business to automate the process of adding and updating member information in their Mailchimp audience lists. This integration ensures that you can easily target and communicate with your members through personalized email campaigns.

How to Integrate Memberspace and Mailchimp

To set up Memberspace’s Mailchimp integration, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a Mailchimp Account

1. Visit the Mailchimp website at mailchimp.com and create an account.

2. Provide the required personal information and choose a username and password.

3. Follow the prompts to complete the account creation process.

Step 2: Download, Install, and Set Up Memberspace

1. Log in to your WordPress site using your username and password.

2. Navigate to the Plugins section in your WordPress dashboard and click on “Add New”.

3. Search for “Memberspace” in the plugins directory.

4. Click on the “Install Now” button to download and install the plugin.

5. After installation, click on the “Activate” button to activate the plugin.

6. Follow the prompts to complete the initial setup of Memberspace.

Step 3: Create a Mailchimp Account in Memberspace

1. Log in to your Memberspace dashboard.

2. Click on the “Mailchimp” tab in the navigation menu.

3. Click on the “Connect with Mailchimp” button.

4. You will be redirected to the Mailchimp website, where you will be prompted to sign in or create an account.

5. If you already have a Mailchimp account, enter your login credentials. If not, click on the “Create Account” button and follow the prompts to create an account.

6. Once you have signed in or created your account, you will be redirected back to the Memberspace integration page.

7. Review the terms and conditions and click on the “Accept” button.

Step 4: Configure Mailchimp Email Templates

1. In your Mailchimp account, go to the “Campaigns” section.

2. Click on the “Templates” option.

3. Choose a template that is suitable for your membership site.

4. Customize the template with your membership site’s branding and content.

5. Save the template.

Step 5: Create Membership Levels in Memberspace

1. In your Memberspace dashboard, go to the “Membership Levels” section.

2. Click on the “Add New” button.

3. Provide the necessary information about your membership level, such as the name, description, and pricing.

4. Click on the “Save” button.

Step 6: Integrate Memberspace with Mailchimp

1. In your Memberspace dashboard, go to the “Integrations” section.

2. Click on the “Mailchimp” tab.

3. Click on the “Connect” button.

4.Log in to your Mailchimp account again if asked.

6 Enable Mailchimp API

Enable the Mailchimp API for your Mailchimp account. You can do this by clicking on the “API” tab and enabling the “API Key” option. Copy the API key and save it as well.

7. Install and Configure Memberspace Plugin

Next, install the Memberspace plugin on your WordPress site. Once the plugin is active, go to the “Plugins” section in your WordPress dashboard and locate the Memberspace plugin. Click on “Settings” to configure the plugin settings.

In the plugin settings, you will need to provide the API Key obtained from Memberspace in step 1. Additionally, you can choose the membership level or levels that should be synced with Mailchimp.

8. Create a Mailchimp List in Your Account

Create a new Mailchimp list in your Mailchimp account that will be used exclusively for your members. Assign a name and category to the list, if desired.

9. Connect Memberspace to Mailchimp

In the Memberspace plugin settings, click on the “Integrations” tab and select “Mailchimp.” You will be prompted to connect your Memberspace account to Mailchimp. Copy and paste the API Key from step 2 and authorize the connection.

Step 7: Assign Mailchimp Email Templates to Membership Levels

1. In your Memberspace dashboard, go to the “Membership Levels” section.

2. Choose the membership level for which you want to integrate Mailchimp email templates.

3. Click on the “Email Templates” tab.

4. Map Membership Levels to Mailchimp Lists

In the Memberspace plugin settings, you can map your membership levels to specific Mailchimp lists. Select the membership level or levels that should be synced with Mailchimp, then select the corresponding Mailchimp list.

5. Click on the “Save” button.

Step 8: Test the Integration

1. Create a new user and assign it to one of the membership levels with Mailchimp email templates.

2. When the user signs up or purchases a membership, they will receive the Mailchimp email template assigned to their membership level.

After the integration is complete, Memberspace and Mailchimp will work together to automatically sync member data. This means that whenever a new member signs up or an existing member updates their information, the changes will be reflected in your corresponding Mailchimp audience list. 

Businesses can then use this data to segment their members and send targeted email campaigns based on their preferences and behaviors.

What (else) Can Mailchimp Integrate With?

While Memberspace is just one of the many platforms that can be integrated with Mailchimp, the possibilities are vast. Mailchimp offers a wide range of integrations that can help your business streamline marketing efforts and enhance your overall business operations.

When it comes to membership management software, Mailchimp can be integrated with the following:

1. MemberPress: MemberPress is a popular membership plugin for WordPress that allows users to create and manage their membership sites. 

Integration with Mailchimp allows you to automate onboarding, send personalized welcome emails, and segment your members based on activity.

2. Memberful: Memberful is a cloud-based membership management platform that offers a range of features for subscription-based businesses. 

Integration with Mailchimp allows you to automate the onboarding process for members, send targeted email campaigns, and track membership renewals.

3. MemberLab: MemberLab is a membership management software designed specifically for fitness businesses. 

With Mailchimp integration, you can automate your member onboarding process, send personalized updates and promotions, and segment your members based on their workout history and preferences.

4. MemberMouse: MemberMouse is another membership plugin for WordPress that offers a range of features for subscription-based businesses. 

Mailchimp integration with MemberMouse allows you to automate your member onboarding process, send personalized emails, and segment your members based on their membership level or activity.

5. WishList Member: WishList Member is a comprehensive membership management software specifically designed for WordPress users. 

It helps businesses create and manage their membership sites with ease. Mailchimp can be integrated with WishList Member to automate email marketing campaigns, send targeted messages to members, and track engagement metrics. 

This integration helps businesses streamline their member management processes and drive more engagement.

6. Memberstack: Memberstack is a user-friendly membership management software specifically designed for businesses with membership websites. 

It offers a range of features such as access control, member management, and payment processing. 

Mailchimp can be integrated with Memberstack to automate email marketing campaigns, send targeted messages to members, and track engagement metrics. This integration helps businesses streamline their member management processes and drive more engagement.

Read next: Memberstack vs Memberspace: Which is Better?