WildApricot is a great membership website builder, but you may wonder, “How Do I Access WildApricot Admin?” 

If you are operating a membership site as a business, you don’t want to use an overly complicated platform. You should be marketing or servicing your clients. Luckily, WildApricot is incredibly easy to use. 

How Do I Access WildApricot Admin?

To access Wild Apricot’s admin features on the website’s backend, you must log in as an account administrator. As a WildApricot administrator, you can perform several unique administrative tasks. 

More than one person can be an administrator, but you will need to give admin privileges to another person if you want them to access the backend. 

If you want to access the WildApricot Admin, you need to follow the steps set out below. 

Step 1: Enter Your Unique URL

WildApricot’s website URLs are unique to each organization and follow this format: https://www.[YourOrgName].wildapricot.org. Once you correctly fill in your correct URL, you will be taken to the login page.   

Step 2: Login As An Administrator

Your login field page will appear. For the layman, two rectangular boxes will appear in the center of the screen, asking you to enter your email and password to access your administrator account. 

If you can’t remember your password, WildApricot will provide you an opportunity to reset it. You will be given a box to enter your email address, and then you need to check your emails for a message from WildApricot. 

In the body of this email, you will get a link. Once you click the link to reset your password, you need to create a new one. To ensure you spelled the password correctly, WildApricot will ask you to retype the password below.  

Then, you must go back to the login page and fill in these details.

Once this process has been completed, your administrator page will open.  

The WildApricot admin dashboard is only for administrators. As an administrator of the account, you can perform functions such as: 

  • Modifying site pages 
  • Adding events
  • And customizing the contact database. 

As mentioned, an administrator can designate any contact as an additional administrator and grant them full or partial administrative privileges. This is important if you want to make someone outside of the community an administrator.

When issuing new administrators with new roles, you can assign them selected jobs such as:

  • Membership manager
  • Event manager
  • Donations manager
  • Newsletter manager
  • Online store manager
  • And website manager. 

This is great as you can assign certain administrators a specific role without accidentally overlapping positions. 

Account administrators should not be confused with bundle coordinators. A membership bundle is a collection of members linked together and managed by one of those members – the bundle coordinator. The bundle coordinator is responsible for adding new members to the bundle.

The step-by-step process for accessing the WildApricot admin starts with visiting your unique WildApricot URL. 

Now you have a better understanding about “How do I access WildApricot Admin,” why not sign up for their services?

Read next: How Do I Create A Membership Site With Gravity Forms?